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The Pulse of Prayer
Why Moshiach is the Core of the Liturgy. Why are so many of our daily requests about Moshiach?
Bring It On
Creating a Moshiach environment today. How remembering the Exodus can be an impetus to bring redemption into the day-to-day.
The Antidote to Exile
Understanding the timing of Redemption Prophecies. When the “light at the end of the tunnel” can illuminate the entire journey.
The Metamorphosis of Evil
The unholy forecaster of the Moshiach prophecy. This lesson explores the prophecy of Bilaam and the message of transformation that it...
The ingathering of the Jewish nation and the Divine. This lesson explores the returning of the exiles, and a special teaching from Rashbi...
Home for One
Understanding G-d's Plan. This lesson lays down the basic tenets of Dirah Betachtonim.
The Playwright of History
How the Creator sees Creation. This lesson explains that Moshiach came before, and is the purpose of creation.
The Last Stand
Navigating the Transitional Generation An ode to the people of today
Wellsprings to the World
How the teachings of Chassidut facilitate the Final Redemption. The story of the Baal Shem Tov and the connection between Chassidut and...
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